Sunday 30 June 2013


Hello World ! 
The first word I'm going to say is O.M.G, I can't believe it's been quite an ages I have not been blogging ! And I'm back now. Actually, I love blogging !  Every time I thought of create a new blog and start blogging but is just that I don't have time or else I'm being lazy. I can't believe it's going to be July now. Time flies really fast, see now it's already half year. 

Well, my life have been really hectic with assignments, project, test etc, as usual as for those who are studying in college now. And, I'm just only in 2nd Semester, going to face my final by this end of July. Arrgghhh one word to describe my life now is STRESS ! Really stress. I can handle everything but I can't handle at stress. The only way I can do is sit down at the corner of the room and cry 

Hahahaha okay I'm just kidding. Maybe not. Who knows, the best way to solve is cry. For now, I just hope I don't fail any subject in the Sem 2, arrghh i don't wanna resit or retake or whatever hell shit which waste my time and my life. NOOO FAILING ! I got to believe myself and work harder. Study like mad hard and of course have to be smart. College life are so much different from high school, *wtf is obviously different !* I shall stop complaining about college life, now all I got to do is ENJOY MY COLLEGE MY LIFE ! There's many of them tell me to enjoy as now you are young in the college, okay I'm trying to enjoy everything and assignment.

Recently, I have been on dieting ! okay lah not dieting. Just wanna make myself look more better and lean. Not skinny ! but FIT, SLIM, HEALTHY ! I'm trying to change my lifestyle, I'm controlling myself from eating disorder. I admit I love foods, I love unhealthy food especially burger, and fries. That's why you can see that I'm fat, okay not fat, is CHUBBY !

  My thighs arrrgghhh. I'm still working hard to get the gaps between my thighs.

I'm working out 4-5 times a week, and maybe around 20-25 mins only. I'm trying to maximum it to 45 mins, and yes I did ! Sometimes, I'm really exhausted for 15 mins but I tell myself exhaust is just a excuse. We work in progress. As long as you are progressing every day, it does not matter how slow or fast you go. It only matters that you keep moving towards your goal.…not anyone else’s goal ! Besides than working out, eating clean is also the important role ! Now, I'm really cutting down all meats, Whenever I eat outside food, I will make sure there's no meat. Meat may give us protein but don't have it too much. I'm in the progress, let's see the result after 2-3 weeks. 

You want get lean & healthier ? Start working out now and eat clean ! Sometimes, eating clean isn't easy though because all the foods aren't tasty especially when you can't add any dressing into your salad bowl. Dressing has high calories ! Besides, must drink at least 8 glass of water a day. Water is really important role in our life ! It not only keep your skin hydrated but also increase metabolism, flush out toxins, get you healthier skin, help digestion and constipation, and improve overall health ! Well, I'm not a pro at telling diet story, but I'm learning now and reading more articles about the healthy way for diet. 

The most important, very important role in diet way is to have determination and motivation ! I always surf tumblr and find some motivation quotes which keeps me going. My instagram, facebook, twitter timeline is all fitness motivation post. 
Believe in yourself YOU CAN ! If you want to give up, first question yourself WHY DO YOU WANT TO GIVE UP SINCE YOU'VE ALREADY STARTED YOUR JOURNEY ? WHY DO YOU WANT TO START FIRST ? So, DON'T EVER GIVE UP ! Have faith. 

Aites, I got to work out now. Train like a beast, look like a beauty 