Thursday 1 August 2013

Look forward

Hello there (:
I'm actually blogging in the college now and i know I've been not blogging that often due to preparing for finals. I'm so stressed out lately and now i'm so free. Yeah my final are officially over. My head was crack up and i'm pretty exhausted because of Media Law paper, seriously studying this freaky subject really can caused me high blood pressure and real tension. I'm so worried that I would fail the subject and I have to retake or resit and i don't wish that to happen. Actually, I'm quite disappointed with myself today, I think I screw up the paper, just hopefully I would pass with whatever shit I've answer. No matter what, I'm ready to accept whatever the result is. I guess I didn't prepare enough for the test, fine now say so many also useless cause it's already over. I shall now look forward for the Semester 3 and of course pretty nervous to wait for the result. Gonna work really hard for the next semester. Everything is not easy but I believe everything is possible when you work hard for it. 

My brain is really exhausted now, yet I have to do my theory homework and practice violin later arrghh. I got to pamper myself some treat sooner. I guess that's all for now, can't think any of words now. My brain need rest hahahaha. 


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