Sunday 7 July 2013


Heylo (:
Basically, there are this girl I know her since I were age 13 in high school. The first sight i saw her in my eyes, she's beautiful, I still remember that scene we smile to each other but we were stranger. Me & her are from different class, but at certain time, she moved to my class and then we started introducing each other and all. That time we were not close at all, we don't talk too. We're like acquaintance only. At the age of 14, we get the same class, yet we started being close to each other. We started to hang out with each other. If I not mistaken, our first hang out place is at Sunway. From the day onwards, our friendship grow closer and closer until today our friendship still the same. 

Although me & her have been through many obstacles, we argue for several times like how those usual couple used to do and so on. Non of friendship is perfect, every friendship have their own argument. Also, we've done a lot of things together. Wherever we go, we always stick with each other until people often asked if both of us were twins, but we didn't deny, we told them yes WE'RE TWINS and people still believe  hahaha ! We are like sister, twins, friends, bestfriend, couple, husband and wife. Seriously, we were once stick to each other like the sticky gum, no matter how hard people tried to separate us, we still remain the same. To be frank, we have same interest which both of us love music, shopping, dresses and so on. We even learn instrument together, she learn piano and I learn violin. How cool right ? I'm so grateful to have her in my life. I love her very much, Adelene Tan !

Things started to be apart since we both from different college, we have our own life. As you know college life is really hectic with full of assignments and test. So, we rarely hang out together, even sometimes we rarely talk to each other. It just when we have plenty of time and we will text each other or else we busy with our own stuff. I was quite sad and worried if our friendship will turn to stranger and acquaintance. Although I have met new friends from NS and college, but she's the best & amazing girlfriend that I ever know. Come on, our friendship have been through 7 years of good and bad! Maybe, those day she might think I've neglect and forget about her since I got new friends, but NO dear, I never change, my heart still remain the same, your position in my heart are still the same. Seriously, I swear, I miss her even when I'm in the college, I always had the thought of how good if she's here with me. Girlfriend, if you ever read this, I want you to know that actually if you have hardship or things need to share, you always can come to me and talk. I always be there for you, I know I'm not good at comforting people but I will try my best to cheer you up. I will support you from bottom of my heart. 

Both of us have be wanting to travel with each other to overseas, I believe someday our dreams will come true :D We will go honeymoon together okay ? That's our deal. 

Last but not least,

I wanna wish her HAPPY 19 BIRTHDAY ADELENE !

You're the most beautiful star that shines on earth. You're the brightest light of happiness in my life. Another year older, another year wiser. Well at least we are growing up to be what you meant to be, the hottest girl around. HAPPY BIRTHDAY GORGEOUS BABE ! Take care yourself and wish you all the best in everything, Good luck in your degree ! I will remember you in my every prayer sweetie. 

Thanks God for bringing her into my life. I'm so grateful that God allow me to met such amazing bestie throughout my life. Well, there are 2 person that mean so much to me which is my bestfriend & him. *Although me and him are apart but I always try to feel my heart closer to his heart even we did not talk.I feel grateful to met you too ACYH!*
I love my girlfriend like how I love him. I love him like how i love my girlfriend (: I love her truly madly deeply in love with you, HUG AND KISSES !

Don't you think both of us look alike ? Of course lah, we are twins ! Me & my girlfriend.

P/s : I can't find any photo of me and her ): I accidentally deleted the files that store our photo as my memory are full, I didn't know so I deleted arrrghhhh ): So, I have to combined our photo like this. But still i love that pic though, the sister look !

Meeting new friend is easy, you can have thousand of friends but for me i just need one and only one best friend, that's enough for me. Even you have fucking thousand of friends, do you they will be there for you when you're down and care about you ? Yes they may but only a few sincere will come to you. Yet, I can say that building a true friendship is ain't easy ! Is just like how we build a relationship, at first may be easy but following on may be complicated because you will go through argument and stuff. We need to give commitment, faithful, and loyal ! 

Until here then,

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