Wednesday 3 July 2013

Fitness is my passion

Guess what ? It is so unbelievable ! I just finished my workout for 47 mins ! Yeah I counted, is 47 mins. I feel so proud of myself now. Today I did upper body workout, which is arms. OMG the soreness are fucking awesome ! I love the soreness in my body after workout. I felt that I'm getting stronger, previously, I work half way and then I stopped. But today, I'm different, I push myself I have to keep going no matter how ! And YESSS I DID :D Feel so proud. 

I have many reasons why am I working out. I workout because I want to make myself feel better and confidence. Apart from this, I'm going to train myself to be the hottest girlfriend that he'll never have *evil laughs* *just kidding*

I believe that everything is possible. As long you don't give up, you can reach your goal ! Fitness is a journey, is okay if you're slow. We all are in progressing. Sooner, you will definitely feel proud of yourself and feel such a worth ! Most importantly, LOVE YOURSELF (= 


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