Saturday 6 July 2013

We Learn & We Grow

Hi Earthlings (:

People said life is easy but for me, I don't think so. So many things to do yet so little time. Many things lingering on my mind. And wonder how should I get rid of it. I definitely wish my life is easy and I able to handle everything in one time, I'm trying my best to manage my schedule. Finals are coming real soon, i guess  left 3 more weeks to go. Pray for me that my paper will be easy and I believe I can overcome this hell. 

I can't say I know everything but I learnt from past and experience. My life have been upside down, I fall many times but I still pushed myself to get up. Relationships, friendship, low self-esteem and so on. My life is like bitches few years back. I am a fragile, a single word can actually break my heart. Though I felt the pain in my heart but I will always remain silent. Because I know silent is the best ! Yet, I've always tried my best to be the best person for them but they don't seems to appreciate. Fine if they don't appreciate me. I can't believe I have gone through so much pain from relationship to friendship. I am a simple person, I just want someone who always be there for me, loyal, faithful, kind hearted person. I don't demand for rich guy or whatever millionaire fellow. As long as both of us live happily, I'm truly satisfied and blissful. 

In fact, money may buy you happiness but the happiness is just temporary. I went to shopping when I have money yet I bought the things I like, but when I bring back home. I don't find myself happy at all. I don't think the richest guy in the world are happy with what they have Some of them may have enough money but not enough happiness. Happiness can't buy with money, a loyal heart can't buy with money, a faithful person can't buy with money, love can't buy with me, friendship and family can't buy with money. Yes money may buy you Diablo, Ferrari, Gucci, LV, Hermes but afterall when you own those stuff, do you think you're happy ? No, money cannot buy happiness. but it is necessary for buying necessities without which happiness is nearly impossible. Having enough money is no guarantee of happiness. Not having enough money is a guarantee of unhappiness.

People come and go. Friends or lovers come and go. But who's the real person would stay ? Sometimes I'm confused what is love and friendship. I even google for it. You know it is funny that when they want us, but we don't want them. Yet, we want them but they don't want us. So funny right ? I always wish the person whom I've lost, will come back to me. Is just a "wish". It is very impossible for someone to come back. You know when both of you are meant to be but they choose to leave ): I always believe my instinct, and the fact is woman instinct are true. My instinct tell me that me & him are meant to be but too bad we couldn't make it to the journey we want. If he found his happiness, all I can do is wish him all the best and live happily from bottom of my heart. That's my blessing for him. Even if just a few weeks, I can feel I'm really happy being with him. When the day he leave me, I just realized that he's the "one" I want ! He always brighten up my day but now I felt like my day is dull without him, of course I know, MOVE ON ! Is already been few weeks yet I still think about him and miss him. So, dear earthlings please treasure whatever belongs to you, because is ain't easy to find someone who loves you ! 


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