Sunday 9 February 2014

Hey ya

Okay firstly, I wanna fuck myself for being lazy to update blog. Seriously, I'm really lazy even i have plenty of time. I wanted to close down but I mm sek dak, so i leave it like this. Actually, I don't know what to blog about. I'm so impressed with other bloggers where they can blog about anything. I don't wanna rant so much of not being blogging often.

Well, CNY are finally over ): CRIEEESSSSS. Among all the festive celebration, I love celebrating Chinese New Year the most. I do love Christmas celebration too but I prefer CNY more ! You know why ? Because I can feel the warmth from 'em, the CNYE where all the families will gather at grandma's place, don't you love that feeling ? I love it, i really love family gathering. Is not about getting many ang pows and food, it is rather about the warmness and love from the family. Yet, is rarely for some of them to gather with the family as they're too busy with their working life. Grandma is definitely proud to see everyone gather at the dining table with laughter and joy. I don't know why some people don't like CNY, lol whyyyyy ? Ok whatever is non of my business.

Wondering about my college life right ? Hmmm, I don't wanna mention anything about that. Everything is fine and I'm happy with my life now.

See I'm stuck now, I don't know what else to blog about. Lastly, I will end with the recent pic of mine heeeeee